Year: 2024

Empowering Louisiana Communities with Solar Alternatives: Advancing Clean Energy and Workforce Development The demand for clean, renewable energy is more pressing than ever, and partnerships that prioritize sustainability and community empowerment are crucial. One powerful local collaboration is Solar Alternatives’ alliance with Louisiana Solar Corps (LSC), a statewide workforce development program. In conjunction with the […]
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The price of solar has come down tremendously over the last decade. In 2010, it cost $40,000 to install an average residential solar system. Today, the price is less than half. Costs have dropped as solar panels have become more efficient and less expensive to produce while the market has grown more competitive. Homeowners, businesses, […]
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Whether it’s about keeping the refrigerator running to avoid hundreds of dollars in food waste, ensuring the safety of those with young families and electronic medical equipment or avoiding dangers of extreme heat, power is critical for many along the Gulf Coast. Unfortunately, with frequent outages during hurricanes and other storms, it can be difficult […]
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Climate change is raising temperatures and increasing the severity of storms; at the same time, the nation’s power infrastructure is aging and failing more frequently. It’s a deadly combination. When hurricanes strike, the power goes out, and it can take days, sometimes weeks, to restore power, while those with chronic ailments and the elderly […]
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